
St. Andrew Family Ministries specifically outreaches and connects with families who are part of our faith community. We welcome new parents to those with teens. Our programming at St. Andrew focuses on the family whenever possible. Many of our events are family oriented and specifically designed so the whole family can attend.

We work to host a Family Ministry event each month. Past events have included Fellowship of the (Fire) Ring, Back to School Picnic, Skate Night, Game Night, and Movie Night.

As we work to build our ministry, we hope you will find a place in our community. If you would like to see us in action, the best time to visit is on a Sunday morning. Make sure to sign in using the QR code on Sunday so we can say hello and introduce ourselves to you! 

Sunday Mornings


St. Andrew welcomes all types of families into our space for worship. Many of our families attend our 10:30 a.m. Contemporary worship, though both services are equally welcoming to families.

While in worship, we offer kids' and teen tables for anyone to use. These spaces provide sermon notes, coloring pages, and fidget toys for persons to use to assist in them focusing on service that morning. Our church is comfortable with the noise and commotion associated with kids and young ones, so do not feel afraid to bring them into the sanctuary with you. 


Nursery care is always open during Sunday morning for your littlest one(s), from birth through age 3. Our paid staff and volunteers are always excited to share love with the smallest among us!

Kids' Connection

We offer Kid’s Connection during the Contemporary Worship (10:30 am) which allows any child grades Pre-K – 5th grade to leave worship and learn in an environment that is more suitable for them. Our team provides them with a lesson and fun activities that engage them in a relaxed atmosphere.

Growth Groups

Kids' Growth Groups (preschool through 5th grade) and Student Growth Group (6th-12th grade) are available during the Sunday Connection at 9:30 am. Check out our Kids' Ministry and Student Ministry pages for more info about curriculum and what we offer those age groups.

If your family has a specific need or accommodation for Sunday, please let one of our two Director’s know so they can assist you. Check out our staff page to learn more about them.

Director of Children’s Ministries – Danielle Buckley 
Director of Students & Young Adults – Janee LaFuze

To receive updates about what's happening, timely resources, and faith formation ideas, be sure to sign up for the newsletter to be delivered to your inbox every couple of weeks.

Subscribe to Family Ministries Newsletter


Family Ministries Registration

Student Release and Waiver


Traditional Worship - Sundays at 8:30 a.m.
Contemporary Worship - Sundays at 10:30 a.m.

Monday - Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. | Friday 9:00 a.m. - noon


St. Andrew United Methodist Church
4703 N 50 W | West Lafayette, Indiana 47906